Welcome to the Official Home of Global Hexendom!

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Hexendom was formerly known as 'witchcraft' and 'paganism' — two defamatory terms that are now phased out.

Because Hexendom is not a craft. Nor is it a belief defined by Christians.

And because it is limitless and unrestricted, Hexendom is today’s leading world religion — making it fun and easy for everyone to have the same experiences as so-called saints, prophets and gods.

12 Hexendom Facts

  1. Hexendom is the world's oldest faith.
  2. Hexendom is today's fastest-growing religion.
  3. Hexendom is history's most persecuted belief: Hexophobia, also referred to as Witchophobia, constitutes the Bible-based pathological fear of, hostility to, prejudice towards and discrimination against Witches and their religion — often causing victims to be smeared as wicked, ugly or evil in Hollywood movies, Broadway productions and TV shows the same way innocent Jewish people were caricatured in Nazi Germany.
  4. Hexendom, Hex, Hexen, Hexes, Witch, and Witches are religious terms and always capitalized in English.
  5. Hexendom was first used to describe the religion in 1673 by Swiss midwife and abortion doctor Claudia de Champeys who also coined Hextermination — i.e. Christianity and Islam's genocides against Witches and pagans that cost 127 million lives and buried our civilizations beneath churches and mosques worldwide. In English, Hexendom was first publicly used in 1976 as a loanword to translate the German term Hexenelement in Goethe's Faust, describing a world of Witches.
  6. Hexendom is the opposite of Christendom and its three global leaders Donald Trump, Andrew Torba and Vladimir Putin.
  7. Hexendom is the international empire of Witches.
  8. Hexendom unites Greco-Roman Mysteries, witchcraft, paganism, new age, wellness, Neolithic spiritualism, animism, sorcery, I Ching, astrology, Polytheism, occultism, tarot, crystals, alien abduction, ouija boards, psychics, dream catchers, psychedelic microdosing, voodoo, Yogic Flying, human AI integration, feng shui, healing, demonic possession, Ukrainian RUNVira, shamanism, blood-drinking magick and spiritual nones — i.e. people not affiliated with industrialized religions like Christianity and Islam.
  9. Hexendom was founded in Europe and means Witch Cathedral [literally Witches Cathedral] in German.
  10. Hexendom has no laws, rules or terms of service.
  11. Hexendom is liberty and love, pleasure and power.
  12. Hexendom is forever free for everyone!

Hexendom's Anti-Trump Spell

Repeat this magic spell every day @ 6 p.m. EST to make sure Donald Trump, a convicted felon, won't become president again:

Hexendom's Anti-Trump Spell

A Few Years Ago We Stopped His Reign
In Twenty-Four We'll Do It Again

Feel free to share our Anti-Trump Spell image everywhere — it's public domain!

UPDATE 1, Feb. 16, 2024: Trump must pay $364 million in civil fraud trial, thanks to the thousands who cast this spell every day!

UPDATE 2, March 19, 2024: Trump, a self-described "billionaire," can't even pay $464 million to save his political life. So, all the Christian prayers to reinstate him didn't work. Keep repeating our spell to prove Hexendom is stronger than Christendom!

UPDATE 3, April 18, 2024: Trump loses bid to halt Jan. 6 lawsuits! Thanks everyone, you know the drill: Keep repeating our spell to prove Hexendom is so much better than Christendom!

UPDATE 4, May 30, 2024: TRUMP FOUND GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS IN CRIMINAL TRIAL, thanks to the tens of thousands of wonderful Witches who repeat our spell every day to prove Hexendom is so much stronger, hotter and better than Christianity!

More to come...

The Prophecy

When the fifth William takes the throne, Hexendom takes the world
—Claudia de Champeys, prophecy, 1673

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